Wednesday 12 October 2016

Remove Trojan.Kotver!Bat Virus From Your Windows PC

Since last night , i am facing difficulties while accessing my Windows PC. It is running very slow and all the programs installed on it are working weirdly. All my important files and folders stored on it become inaccessible. After scanning i come to known that all it was because of the Trojan.Kotver!Bat. After that i put all my effort to remove it but i can’t get rid of it. Please help me to remove this threat from my PC.

What is Trojan.Kotver!Bat?

Trojan.Kotver!Bat is a highly risky Trojan virus that has recently infected many computers from around the world. With the universal use of the Internet, the virus is widely spread by the virus makers, so computer users in different regions all have the chance to become a victim. Usually this kind of Trojan virus is specifically created by the virus makers who are good at computer skills. It is able to be hidden in some hacked web sites, unknown free programs and spam email attachments. Thus, except for computer system vulnerabilities, computer user’s improper online activities can also make the computer infected. When it gets the chance, it has the ability to install itself to the computer without the computer users’ permission.

Once installing into the computer, Trojan.Kotver!Bat drops some malicious files and registry entries on the computer system. The infected computer often shuts down or restarts randomly without asking you, resulting in damages to the hard disk. It is also able to cause data loss and the blue screen of death problems. As a complex virus infection, it is hidden deep in the system. In the beginning, the performance of the computer will not change too much, so you don’t know it’s there. However, you’ll find that your computer performs much slower than before with the passage of time for more and more strange and unnecessary things are transferred to the infected computer without letting you know. The vast majority of these unsolicited things are some malignant malware, spyware and Trojan viruses. You may notice some personal files are deleted and some strange new files appear. What is worse, by adding spyware on your computer, the virus maker can monitor your online activities and collect your important information.

How can you remove Trojan.Kotver!Bat?

To totally remove Trojan.Kotver!Bat from the computer and get rid of relevant viruses, please execute the procedures as stated on this page. Make sure that you have completely scan the system with suggested malware removal tools and virus scanners.

Manually Remove Trojan.Kotver!Bat Virus From Your PC

Manual removal is a good way to remove virus files and registry keys created randomly by Trojan.Kotver!Bat. You’d better ask help from a family member or friend if you are not good at computer skills, because any mistake can permanently ruin your system. For common users, we recommend using PC Threats Scanner to fully delete Trojan.Kotver!Bat virus and other potential threats.

Step 1. Remove Trojan.Kotver!Bat from Control Panel

Part 1 : For Windows 10 Users

1. Open or Click Start Menu.
2. Choose the Settings menu to display all contents.
3. Select and click on System.
4. Under System menu, please click on Apps and features.
5. Select Trojan.Kotver!Bat from the list.
7. Click on Uninstall button to get Trojan.Kotver!Bat off.

Part 2 : For Windows 8 Users

1. Click on bottom left corner of the screen.
2. Click on Control Panel..
3. Click Uninstall a Program.
4. Select Trojan.Kotver!Bat from the list and click Uninstall button.

Part 3 : For Windows 7, Windows Vista or Windows XP Users

1. Click on Start menu, then Control Panel.
2. Double-click Add or Remove Programs.
3. In the ‘Currently Installed Programs’ window, select Trojan.Kotver!Bat and then click Change/Remove.

Step 2 Remove Trojan.Kotver!Bat Virus associated files

1.Show all hidden files

Open Folder Options by clicking the Start button.
Click on Control Panel -> Appearance and Personalization -> Folder Options.
Finally click on the View tab.
Under Advanced settings, choose Show hidden files and folders, and then click OK.

2.Search for Trojan.Kotver!Bat file and remove all of them

%Documents and Settings%\[UserName]\Desktop\[random].lnk

Step 3 : Delete bad registry keys created by Trojan.Kotver!Bat

1. Hit Win+R keys and then type regedit in Run box and click on OK

2. Eliminate all registry keys related to Trojan.Kotver!Bat

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\\Default_Page_URL
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\system “EnableLUA” = 0
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{A40DC6C5-79D0-4ca8-A185-8FF989AF1115} “UrlHelper Class”

NOTE: With all the steps above, your PC will be clean again. However, virus files and registry keys have been added randomly on your PC. Sometimes you may not be able to find out those components. If you are not confident to complete this manual removal, you can skid and install the real-time malware Detector. 

Automatically Remove Trojan.Kotver!Bat Virus From Your PC

Auto Detection is a safe way for common users to solve PC problem. You don’t need to worry about any leftover files created by virus. Install SpyHunter to detect common adware, toolbar and unwanted apps added by Trojan.Kotver!Bat.

1. Click the below Download Button to obtain Spyhunter

*SpyHunter’s free version can only help you detect malware or virus. If you want to remove the malware threats detected, you will need to buy license of SpyHunter.

2. After the download is finished, double-click SpyHunter-Installer.exe and follow its instructions to complete the installation of SpyHunter.

3. Once SpyHunter is successfully installed, it will automatically launch. You need to click Scan Your Computer Now to detect Trojan.Kotver!Bat virus and other potential threats.

4. Remove all the detected threats and potentially unwanted programs by clicking Fix Threats button

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